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    Start promoting your new website









    Rank: 1

    发表于 2024-4-20 19:21:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 jobaeit 于 2024-4-20 19:26 编辑

    New site as best you can. Each URL should be mapped to a new relevant URL during migration based on the content on those pages. Put that in a spreadsheet. You will use this document to apply permanent 301 redirects to all old pages, directing users and search engine bots to the new and improved version of the page. Warning: Your technical team may want to try temporary 302 redirects as they are often easier to implement. Don't let them down! 302 redirects will tell search engines that you want to keep all rankings and links to old pages, and that you only want to send traffic to new pages for a short period. This is important during migration. The 301 redirects will ensure that all the keywords your old pages rank for will replace the old landing page with the new one.

    Setting the URLs this way also ensures that you won't leave pages out and show 404 "Not found" errors on them. At the end of the website migration, any previous page on the site should not be 404, 302, or 5XX. They should https://buyleads.me/indonesia-phone-number/
    redirect all 301s to a specific URL at the new address. Otherwise, you will not keep your old arrangements and have to start from scratch on the new range. 5. The hard part about migrating a site is making the internet understand that you have moved. People have linked to your old site, bookmarked it, shared it on Facebook, and discussed it with their friends, but you have to get them to stop talking about the old URL and start talking about the new one.

    This is where the PR and social media team plays an important role before, during, and after migration. They need help spreading the word that their site will be moving soon. They should contact anyone who links to the site above and inform them that they may need to update their links. Don't get me wrong, when applying the 301 redirect, the links will still technically work, but it will lose some of its effect and cause some confusion for your visitors who use these links. The best relays we've seen started with a pre-launch roadshow. They created a "soon" style landing page on the new domain while working on technical issues in the background, and worked hard to promote the new site to the press, their business partners, and any other fans of the old content. . Doing so helped them retain as much power as possible and started building enthusiasm for relaying the site early on, so when they finally flipped the switch, it increased the ranking.


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